Banksia Pacific
O Z F O O D . C O M
Vip Suite Welcome
VIP Menu
Seating Options for VIP Suite
Book your Function at the VIP Suite HERE
Enquiry Form for Functions
Function Calendar
Hospitality at VIP Suite
Reservations for the VIP Suite

Dear Caroline and Chris,

My name is
and my email address is  

I am interested to bring my guests to the VIP Suite at the Australian Pavilion for a function. I have consulted your online calendar and I have found that the of and is suitable.

I plan to host guests and have viewed the available seating plans and request the

I will be using the VIP suite for

I understand that if I want to book the adjacent function time as well as the one requested here, on the same day, then I will need to make that reservation at the completion of this form.

My corporate details are as follows

Name of Group / Company
Phone + - -
Country -   Area  -  Number
Mobile + - -
Country -   Area  -  Number
Fax + - -
Country -   Area  -  Number
Post Code

I request the following technical support:

Video (VHS) and monitor
LCD screen for computer-based presentations
Lecturn and microphone

I also have the following requests and would appreciate your assistance in making this happen.

Caroline and Chris, I am sending you this booking request and look forward to receiving a call so that we can discuss costs, our special requirements and detailed arrangements. Thank you.

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